Cute little owlet that is great for 6 month old babies who are learning to use their hands. My son is not quite 6 months, but will soon be.
He was teething and immediately started chewing on it as soon as I gave it to him. He especially liked chewing on the cute ears. He played with it for about fifteen minutes before finally setting it down.
It is weighted, so it will sit back upright if placed on a hard surface. There are handles which allowed him to hold on to it. It has a bit of weight to it. Not heavy enough to be difficult for the child to manuever, but definitely heavy enough to sting if it accidentally gets tossed at you as your child works on their fine motor skills.
The head turns. My son was able to turn it, but is not at the point where he could conciously turn it on his own.
He played with the flowers on the handles for a bit, but at this point was mostly interested in chewing on it.
It has a lot of different textures on it, such as the wood head or the rough surface of the owl's feathers on its stomach, so great for children to feel around on it. You can check it out here:
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