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Words of Caution: Why I No Longer Endorse the Group Cosplay Reviews

Hey everyone from Cosplay Reviewers, Cosplay Deals by Cosplay Reviewers, Cosplay Super Influencers & Cosplay Sponsored Alliance, both current and prior members, and any of the associated groups and pages -

If you haven't noticed, myself along with most of the other Admins are no longer in any of the groups. The state of the group has not been good for a while and we attempted to fix it. The group has become more and more unprofessional and the admins have spent a lot of time behind the scenes cleaning up various situations created by what we believe to be Lorna’s unprofessional behavior. We were accused of not helping out the group when most of our efforts were ignored. We were lied to on various occasions and each admin would be told different things. Many of us had considered quitting the group at one point or another but we stayed because we care about the group and wanted to help it succeed and flourish as there really isn’t another one like it. The group was like a family to us, however, we were told that it was Lorna’s group and Lorna’s rules, making our jobs pointless and our voices were never heard.

The Funerable situation was the last straw but not the only issue. Most of the admins recommended proceeding with caution and taking down the posts until we had proof that someone received the items. We were concerned that Funerable was a scam and did not want to promote them at the time. Lorna did not take this well and started saying how we pressured her to delete the post. Lorna and her daughter started attacking us verbally and warned us that there would soon be ‘changes’ in the group’s leadership team. At this point we decided to share with Lorna the proposed changes we had been working on already in hopes of improving the group.

We tried to explain to Lorna that anything a member or admin did in this group affects all of the other admins and members. For that reason alone, people deserve to have their opinions heard. When we recommended some changes for the group to make it more professional and asked her to allow us to take more responsibility, she literally told us to find the door. Some of the admins left then. Then she removed some of the other admins from the group. Faith talked to her on the phone and tried to convince her to calm down. During this phone conversation, Lorna claimed that Jess blocked her when it was Lorna who blocked Jess. Lorna also admitted to a few other lies during this phone conversation. Faith attempted to organize a meeting between the admins and Lorna to talk as adults and try to resolve the situation. As soon as the phone call was over, Lorna removed more of the admins from the group.

After we were removed from the group, the Funerable situation got worse. Lorna and Alissa started telling people what seemed to be more and more lies. They continued to have people share Funerable and their discount code so that the fans could get a discount and the cosplayers could get credits to use in the store. However, from what we understand the credits were all going to her. We have a screenshot showing Lorna having earned over $800 in store credits which might explain why she pushed people to advertise Funerable so much despite no one having received any products. As a long time reviewer, Lorna would have known that this breaks a reviewer’s main rule of not promoting something that you don't have in your hand.

People were attacked verbally or blocked when they spoke up about Funerable being shady. Lorna accused another person of blocking others, they same claim that she tried to use on us admins. Lorna and Alissa mentioned on multiple occasions that they had confirmation from other people in the UK that they had received their products and about Funerable being legit yet no pictures or proof were forthcoming. We have had a lot of people reaching out to us about what to do. All we can recommend is contact your bank and start opening up a dispute as it will take a little bit of time to get your money back.

Please understand that we, the admin team, did not leave the group because we wanted to. Though some of us had been considering leaving the group previously, we all wanted to try one last time to rebuild this group with Lorna, who many of us have been supporting for over two years. Unfortunately, Lorna seems to have decided that she would rather risk everything then give up any control of what she says is “her group.” At this time, none of the admins plan on ever returning to the group again.

Personally, many of us have removed ourselves from any of the remaining groups and unliked all the pages associated with the group (Pages: Cosplay Reviews, CosMom Said Sew, Miss Odango; Groups: Cosplay Sponsored Alliance, Cosplay Reviewers, Cosplay Deals by Cosplay Reviewers, Cosplay Super Influencers; etc.). We do not want our pages to be associated with the unprofessionalism that we have come to see from Cosplay Reviews and its associated groups and pages as we can no longer trust that we are getting accurate information. It is a bittersweet farewell as we spent one to two years helping Lorna build this group up from nearly the beginning.

We, the admin team, love having you all as friends but it’s up to you guys if you'd like to stay in the group or not. Regardless of what you choose, we will respect your decision and remain your friends. ^.^ If you have any questions about anything you can always send us PM. Good luck! <3

Jess, Faith, Carly, Kayz, Rachel


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