The Quirky Sorceress Is Back In An Even More Engaging Story As someone with little free time, it's nice to be able to pick up a story that can be read in a single sitting. After reading the first of Philliya's adventures, I had preordered this story immediately upon completion and it did not disappoint. Whereas the first story had a slower start due to world building, this one gets straight into the action. Philliya is once again in need of money and selling green hair potions to make ends meet. Until a dangerous illness spreads, imitating her potions effects of turning hair green. Without spoiling too much, Philliya must retrace her steps to clear her name, or she will have a much harder time making ends meet. Follow Philliya as she searches for the root of the problem so she can return to making money and stay out of trouble. Lots of action in this quick, hour read with the quirky sorceress. I've already preordered the third book as I'm excited to see what other adven...