So first off, I have to say that I was really excited when I got the opportunity to review this book as I am a huge fan of the original Artemis Fowl series and have read all the main books in the series, at least the ones that I know about. The Fowl Twins, by Eoin Colfer, is the sequel to the Artemis Fowl series and follows Artemis' two younger brothers, Myles and Beckett, who as you might have guessed are twins. Myles takes after Artemis as a child genius and is often competing against Artemis, trying to out smart him. Beckett is more hands on and seems simple, but in really is anything but simple. The twins are nothing alike, but the differences work to make an excellent balance that helps them push forward. Without spoiling too much, Myles and Beckett, along with a toy troll, are kidnapped and have to escape with the help of a non-magical blue pixel named Lazuli. Together, the weird becomes normal, and e...