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Duskfire Dragon's Mate by Zoe Chant

I received "Duskfire Dragon's Mate" by Zoe Chant as an Advanced Reading Copy (ARC).  "Duskfire Dragon's Mate" is a shifter romance between a human and a dragon who had a lot of misunderstandings in their past. While trying to avoid too many spoilers, Maya had fled from Corin and the human world to Hideaway Cove, a safe haven for shifters, to protect her son, Tomas, in the previous story, "The Lightning Dragon's Mate."  Maya receives a mystery package that brings Corin back into her life.  Worried about her son, Maya agrees to allow Corin to stay and they begin to discover a world of misunderstandings, not just their own.  It's a sweet story of new beginnings and second chances, as well strengthening of familial bonds with some surprising twists in the plot.  Also, who can resist Tomas' adorable baby dragon antics and stealing of gold?  Though this is the 4th book in Chant's Hideaway Cove series, it can be read as a standalone.  Howe
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Forbidden Griffin by Zoe Chant

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Sound the Gong by Joan He

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Shadow Dragon by Lauren Esker

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The Scarlet Alchemist by Kylie Lee Baker

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The Golden Solution by Anna Mittower

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The Beastly Perfume by Anna Mittower

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